How To Claim Your Welcome Bottle

In 3 Simple Steps

1. Browse No & Low Catalog

To claim your free welcome bottle, your cart value must be over $30.

2. Claim Your Free Bottle

Once your cart is over $30, you can add your free welcome bottle of No & Low sparkling chardonnay to your cart.

3. Enjoy Your Free Bottle

Enjoy alcohol-free wine that tastes just like the real thing.

Wine Without The Hangover

The No & Low market is exploding with delicious and sophisticated wines. You'll never feel like you're drinking something of lesser value or quality, you'll likely even win others over to the non-alc movement.

Wine Without The Hangover

The No & Low market is exploding with delicious and sophisticated wines. At No & Low the options are endless and all our bottles are beautifully packaged & designed. You'll never feel like you're drinking something of lesser value or quality, you'll likely even win others over to the non-alc movement.

  • Low Sugar, Low-Cal, Low Carb
  • No headaches & No Hangovers
  • Tastes Like The Real Thing
Non-Alc Bundles

As featured in

Why should you drink non-alc?

Gotta work in the morning. Training for a marathon. Taking medication. Pregnant. Dieting. Religion. Parenting. Designated driver. Sober. Whatever the reason, no explanation needed.